Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So, I had Andrew resting on his back on the pillow by the wall on Grandmom's bed while I was using our computer. I turned around to check on him and this is what I found...


And for my next trick...

Just a random photo for you Star Wars fans
(Emperor Andrew was not too psyched that I took so long to take it)


Kristin Zecchinelli said...

i love the houdini picture!!! he really looks like he is up to something in that one... and the force is strong with you young Andrew! xo kristin

Unknown said...

Perhaps he didn't so much roll over, as use his powers as Emporor to levitate and rotate. If you didn't see it, you'll never know for sure!

Michael said...

The Emperor picture RULES. Seriously though, I hope doesn't turn into a Dark Lord of the Sith. That DOES NOT look good on a resume.