Happy 4th Birthday, Andrew!
You are my wonderful little explorer. I think one of the words you've uttered the most over this past year was the word "why". You are not willing to accept things on face value alone. Always asking why we are doing what we are doing, why things are the way they are, why do things work a certain way.
It's been fun to watch how much your knowledge of your world is expanding too. You have such a strong memory. You retain the answers you get to "why" and apply those answers to problems you are trying to figure out. I love the conversations we can have now that you can appreciate more in depth answers. Sure there are times when I get tired of "why, why, but why". But, I truly enjoy bearing witness to your little brain at work.
You continue to be the most adorable big brother ever. I don't think you realize how much Jay watches you and looks up to you. I think you realize he looks up to you and tries to mimic you because Daddy and I will point it out to you. But, if you only realized he watches you nearly all the time and tries to completely mimic your behavior. He wants to be able to keep up with you because you are his number one friend and playmate. I love those times when I do see you basking in his attention. There is a connection between you two that is just pure love.
You are such a great helper. You still love to help Daddy and me bake and cook in the kitchen. Oh, how you love to "make salads". Which is basically, chopping any vegetables we have in the fridge. You will help bring the groceries in from the car, help unload the dishwasher, help rake leaves and clean up the yard. You are very industrious.
It's also very sweet to watch you teaching Jay how to do things and helping him. It shows how much you've matured this year. It's nice that I can rely on you to help him. But, you do love to point out to Jay that you are older and therefore, stronger and taller. This naturally allows you to do things that Jay cannot. It's funny that you relish being older than Jay, as if you have been around the block so much longer than he and are so much wiser in the ways of the world. You like to remind him that he's just a baby but, if he keeps watching you and following in your footsteps, he's going to be a big boy in no time.
Which reminds me of one other development from the past year. You often correct me (or anyone) when I call you my sweet baby boy or even my little boy. You proudly and confidently say "I am a big boy not a baby.". Well, I suppose that is true. In so many ways, you are no longer a baby. You are getting too big and long for me to hold easily in my arms, you make clever jokes and understand nuanced riddles, and in general are growing up so fast. But, you must understand (and maybe someday you will), you will always be my baby.
I love you, Andrew!
Happy Birthday.